I’m Maria Sabando and if you’ve made it here, I’m assuming you are looking to preserve your health and your happiness during your mid-life. If so, you came to the right place! Welcome!
”I can tell we are going to be friends” – A sentiment from Pre-K which will keep us all young!!
As I look into the mirror, as we all do everyday, I realize that life is not a dress rehearsal. So, why not live life to the fullest and go for your dreams – instead of waiting for them to come to you?
When I realized how to do this (or at least, what works for me) I knew I had to share. My 3 pronged plan: Nutrition, Yoga, and Mindful Health Tips!
I wanted this to be really easy to grasp because we are all busy and all those worries we have are not easy to overcome. This is my chance to help you to live life to the fullest!
Aging gracefully is not always easy, so why not age with sass, style, AND GRACE?! I want to create a space where we can do that together.
(Okay, so you cannot talk to your salad, or whatever is on your plate, but you can self-introspect about which food choices to make, right? Apply this thinking to your everyday life!)
Let me help guide you through the best years and remind you that: MID-LIFE = MIRACLE LIFE and the best is yet to come.
Love yourself first. Everything after that is elementary.
Ready, set, go!
And get my free Yoga & Brunch Party Guide filled with recipes, my favorite yoga poses, and more – this will help you to host a party that helps you feel empowered together!