Loving Life at 50+: A Book Discussion

book signing

This month I appeared at a book signing and discussion event at [Words] Bookstore in Maplewood, NJ. It was a great time! I love talking with people about the themes from my book, “Loving Life at 50+”.

Effective Journaling

Putting pen to paper and journaling your thoughts can be harder than it looks! Especially when you have a million thoughts running through your mind. I’m here to share what works for me when I journal so it can help you organize your thoughts.

Easy Morning Yoga Routine

“Yoga is self-discovery in motion.” Here is a quick yoga routine to start your week off right! Take your time with these movements and remember to BREATHE.

To-Do Lists

How many times do you look at your daily to-do list and get overwhelmed with the thought of “I have to get this done today or else…”? The anxiety of getting everything done takes over and your day becomes a blur. Well, I’m here to tell you that sometimes not obsessing over your to-do lists is a good thing!

September is Declutter Month

organized living space

Summer is coming to an end and before it gets colder (and we find ourselves spending more time at home), it’s time to free up some space and declutter! That’s why I am making September the month of DECLUTTERING.

Tips for a Healthy, Balanced Life

Living a healthier, balanced life can be tough sometimes. But making small changes to your daily routine can make such a difference to your health!